Reggae Artist Snow Discusses “Informer” and more with Golden Age of Music Video
Radikal Records reggae artist Snow shared memories of his beginnings and past music videos with Golden Age of Music Video
Golden Age of Music Video recently sat down with reggae artist Snow for an interview. Snow recently re-ignited his music career with “Informer 2018 (Audiofreaks Mix)”, which was released Friday, January 25, 2018.
Snow reminisced about the beginnings of his career with Golden Age of Music Video, his reaction to Jim Carrey’s “Informer” parody and more. The interview also includes personal stories by Snow discussing the music videos he filmed in his hey-day, including “Girl I’ve Been Hurt”, “Runway” and other singles that Snow released in the nineties.
Since part of the original “Informer” video was shot in a prison setting, GAMV asked Snow what it was like filming in a jail cell having had real life experience in prison:
GAMV: Was that strange to you? I mean, for some people, it would be like – you know, I know this is what the song is about, but I’m trying to stay out of jail, so can I like not do it this video in jail?
Snow: Oh, yeah, no, I made sure the doors weren’t locked. (laughs) I made sure there were no keys. I said, “you’ve got to leave it a little bit open, man.” Before they even said “that’s a wrap,” I was out.
Twenty five years later and going strong, Golden Age of Music Video asked Snow how it feels to hear pop culture references to “Informer”, and that people still remember the song:
GAMV: What do you think is this – the enduring power of “Informer”? I mean, some people talk about the fact that it’s the precursor to, you know, snitches gets stitches kind of thing?
Snow: Oh, yeah, that’s the biggest rap song theme in the world, you know. But it’s like I think about four or five years ago, Lil Wayne came out with a song called “Stand Up” talking about snitching. And he had to sing my song. He was like, “We got that white boy, that’s Snow, that Informer, Informer.” Just because he knew he had to sing it because that’s the biggest rap song about that.
Read the interview in full on Golden Age of Music Video here.
Snow “Informer 2018” is now available on iTunes, Google Play, and Amazon. You can stream “Informer 2018 (Audiofreaks Mix) on Spotify.
Read more about the release of “Informer 2018” here.
Follow Snow on Instagram here.