From The Dance

Watch The ‘Jellyfish Dance’ Trini Style

Have you seen this new “Jellyfish Dance” fan video from Trinidad & Tobago? This video shows the dancers adding their own ‘Trini Style‘ to the fun ‘Jellyfish Dance.’ The dance has been creating quite the buzz around the world, first here in the States, then Japan, and now Trinidad & Tobago! We love seeing all the new videos being posted. Join the ‘Jellyfish Dance’ craze that is spreading around the world by filming your own version of the dance. Be sure to share it with us on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, etc!

Watch the official dance video below or Click Here to check out choreographer, Tenealle Farragher’s first Tutorial video on the “Jellyfish Dance.”

“Boom Boom Jellyfish” is available for purchase on iTunes and it is available for streaming on Spotify, SoundCloud, and Bandcamp. Stay connected with DJ Jellyfish by following hisFacebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr!

Get out there and do the “Jellyfish Dance!”