You’re Invited To The Radikal A&R Party!
Always on the lookout for hot new tracks, we have decided to extend our A&R efforts to a LIVE event on We invite you to come join us and play your best tracks. This is your chance to play your stuff in front of music industry executives and professionals and gain live feedback for your original productions, maybe even get signed!
When: Thursday, June 14th from 5pm EST to 7pm EST
Where: Radikal A&R Party room on
What: Your chance to have your original production signed to and released by Radikal Records.
How: (aka The Rules)
* The Radikal A&R Party takes place in the Radikal A&R Party room on on Thursday, June 14th. It starts at 5pm EST and ends at 7pm EST.
* Any and all tracks played must be original productions. No mashups. No uncleared samples.
* The only remixes that are allowed are of tracks signed to Radikal Records or of tracks that are currently unsigned.
* DJs/Producers will have the chance to play 1 track each; after each DJ/Producer on the list has played one track, then a second round will begin and all participants have the option of playing a second track. The amount of tracks played per DJ/Producer depends upon the amount of people in the room and time constraints. So play your best stuff first!
* To enter, DJs must RSVP for the A&R Party Guest List at or HERE.
* Once you’re on the guest list, show up for the party at the official time and place designated above and sign in on the chat for your place on the DJ booth queue.
* The DJ booth queue is structured on a first come, first serve basis.
* When you sign in, we will check you against the RSVP guest list to make sure you are approved to DJ.
* No songs can be longer than 6 minutes long.
* We reserve the right to skip past any part of a song past the 6 minute mark.
* If a track is skipped by the crowd that will count towards your 2 track playlist.
* The Radikal Records A&R team will be in the room listening to all submissions. If we hear something that interests us and/or we think fits the Radikal brand, we will contact you via email within 5 business days. If you don’t hear from us, please try again with a different track at the next Radikal A&R Party.
* You are encouraged to invite your friends to come and support you at the event.